Monday, December 27, 2010

Days 14 thru 18 F-A-D



Practicing some techniques for an illustration in my Sketchbook Project sketchbook. I used watercolor pencils first to make the shapes, then I painted water on with a Niji water brush to move the color around.



This is a collection of spears & swords that come in drinks with fruit on them, found in the bar at my mother-in-law's house in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.



A Christmas-y flower for Christmas Day!



This is the bottom edge of the lace curtains in the room we stayed in at my mother-in-law's house. Unfortunately, it was pretty dark in there so I couldn't get a good picture, even with the flash. For documentation purposes, here it is...

Here is the way I would have liked to compose the shot, but heavily Photoshopped. Actually, now it sort of looks like an evil face...



I visited my friend Marlaena today and got to play with her Christmas present - Bucky Balls! They are little magnetized balls, bigger than a BB but smaller than a pea. Here's what I made on my 2nd attempt:

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