Sunday, May 8, 2011

F-A-D days 140 thru 144


This is a camellia flower that I drew from an old print. I just used watercolor pencils at first but it needed more definition so I added colored pencils on top to help bring out the lights and darks. I sort of like how the paper buckled - it gives a neat but subtle ray-like effect. Yay for happy accidents!


These flowers are origami lilies. It wasn't difficult but there are a lot more folds than you'd think just by looking at them.


I've had this project in my back pocket for a while, waiting for a day when I was too tired to do a larger project. Today was that day.


Wow, May already! The days are finally getting noticeably longer! I had this scrap piece of black paper so I wanted to try out stamps in silver ink on it. I had originally intended to color in all of the flowers, but I liked leaving a few of them empty. It helps the eye recognize the designs in the other ones.


Another flower collage for today's project. I started out with tiling some green scrapbook papers for a background and then I used flower stencils to cut out the shapes of pink hydrangeas from a magazine.

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